
Ini Kelebihan Green Super Rice | Citra Indonesia.com

Ini Kelebihan Green Super Rice | Citra Indonesia.com

JAKARTA, CITRAINDONESIA.COM- Green Super Rice (GSR) Inpari 42 Agritan dan Inpari 43 Agritan merupakan varietas yang tahan air, ramah lingkungan, tahan terhadap serangan hama wereng dan mempunyai...

When Super Rice outsmarts Super Amang

In broad-daylight January 2015, the weather was stunningly fine, the air was soothingly fresh, and the mountains exuded a breath-taking sight as he was transplanting his delicate, young rice...

New rice seed promises high yields, income

New rice seed promises high yields, income

New rice varieties that will enable growing of the crop with less pesticides, less fertilizers and less water have showed yields of 20-30 times more than traditional ones under trials on farmers’...

Cagayan farmers get drought-resistant rice variety

Cagayan farmers get drought-resistant rice variety

Farmers in Cagayan Valley are adopting a drought-resistant rice variety recommended to them by the Department of Agriculture (DA) to combat the effects of the long dry spell that has resulted in the...